
Simply Southern Lawn Care provides weekly lawn mowing for residential and commercial customers.

We understand you have a busy lifestyle! When you are a weekly client, you will come home to a well manicured lawn. Not home when we show up? No problem, payments can be made weekly through our online payment system. We can have you set up FAST, EASY and have your property in tip top shape!

We make it simple for you to have your grass perfectly groomed all year long. 
As a customer of Simply Southern you can contact us anytime, with questions, concerns or any additional services you may need. Call or even text us for the best lawn mowing service in tow

Mulch/ pinestraw

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Bush trimming

In fall and winter, trees enter a dormant stage, halting their growth. This inactivity along with dropping temperatures creates an ideal setting for pruning. If you prune after new growth has started, you can limit the plant’s bloom potential for the year.